The science of attraction

Hello reader's, 
This article is a very important, special and useful article to everyone, specially to youth. Because Everyone Want to Find themselves  More Attractive At Everywhere, Whether it's the office or market or party or any other place. So if you want to add more attractiveness in yourself then read this article till the end and apply in your daily life. 

• External or upper analytical points - 

1. appearance and looks -  

Yes, this is the truth. whenever you go to meet someone, The first thing that will be noticed by every individual will be your look and overall appearance.
That's why, gentleman's & Pretty ladies you need to focus on increasing your look and charm. Start learning about fashion, dressing and grooming and try to become the best version of yourself.

2. Body Odour or smell - 

If you want to become more attractive instantly, this is your key solution specially for men, Because women have 1.5 times stronger olfactory sensitivity ( sense of smelling) compared to men And the olfactory system is directly connected to the  limbic system of brain. Limbic system is a system which is related with the emotions, memories etc. That is why your body odour is your key weapon.

3. Body language -

if you want to increase  your attractiveness and also if you want to learn "How to read someone's mind" , first of all you need to learn both types of body languages - (a) open body language (b) close body language.

4. Voice -  

in one study,  it is scientifically proven that if you are a man then you can become more attractive with deeper and lower voice but if you are a woman then every single man find you more attractive with higher voice.
Similarly, fast talkers are considered as much smarter and intelligent.

5. Health, reputation and status - 

start building your own status and reputation and add any type of physical workout in your life.

• Internal or inner analytical points - 

1. Intelligence and wit - 

Your presence of mind, wit and intelligence is  also matter's  alot when it comes to attraction, that is why my suggestion to all of you is start increasing your intelligence and wit graph step by step.

2. Positive vibes - 

positivity is an energy that can easily attract everyone. Be an individual who can  always provide the positive vibes and smile's to others.

3. Confidence - 

Confidence is a sign of being alpha male and female. Always be confident with your move's and work.

• Logical reason's - 

Why does this happen, suddenly an unknown person attract us in few minutes..?

Your answer is here - the logical (biological)  reasons - 

1. Oedipus complex or terms -

When we get such a person who is like our parents, we are easily attracted towards him and this is called Oedipus system.
For example-
A girl will be easily attracted towards the boy who will be similar to the father of the girl in physique and behavior.

2. Symmetry - 

If a boy and girl have similar thinking and likes-dislikes,  then they are easily attracted to each other and this is called symmetry factor.

3. Presence of masculine and feminine features and reproductive fitness - 

In boys/men - 

  • Stronger jawline 
  • Sharp and strong nose
  • Long height 
  • Strong shoulders 
  • Veins on forearms 
  • Wide chest

In girls/women - 

  • Big and beautiful eyes
  • Full lips 
  • Maintained figure 
  • Long and silky hairs 
  • Sharp eyebrows 
These are some masculine and feminine features and sign's of reproductive fitness that can made you alpha attractive.

4. Harmonal game - 

1. Presence of high Dopamine Harmone - 
Quality - curious and creative
Attracted to - High dopamine

2. Presence of high Serotonin harmone - 
Quality - conscientious and rules following
Attracted to - high serotonin

3. Presence of high Testosterone harmone - 
Quality - tough minded, analytical skills
Attracted to - high estrogen

4. Presence of high Estrogen harmone - 
Quality - imaginative
Attracted to - high testosterone

The amount of each harmone is different in everyone .


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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